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                        The principle of the 変流器コア is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It consists of a closed core and windings.
In the measuring instrument and the protection circuit, when the current transformer is working, its secondary loop is always closed. Therefore, the impedance of the series coil of the measuring instrument and the protection circuit is very small, and the working state of the current transformer is close to a short circuit.
         The function of the current transformer is to convert the primary current with a larger value into a secondary current with a smaller value through a certain transformation ratio, which is used for protection, measurement and other purposes. For example, a current transformer with a transformation ratio of 400/5 can convert an actual current of 400A into a current of 5A.
         The Current Transformer Core has two types: laminated square iron core and round iron core. The advantage of the former is that the coil is easy to wind and install, but the disadvantage is that there is an air gap in the magnetic circuit of the iron core, the magnetic performance is poor, the magnetic leakage of the coil is large, and the lamination is more troublesome. The advantage of the latter is that the structure has no air gap and the magnetic performance is good, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to wind the coil.


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